Featstart is a marketplace where you can buy great products, and we want you to have a great experience doing so.
Understand that Featstart provides the venue where you can purchase Products developed by our Partners, and we do not endorse or guarantee any of their products and do not assume any liability for them. Â
Please read on to find out more about purchasing from our Services and what you’re agreeing to when you do.
A. Refund Policy. We love to make you happy and will provide you with a full refund of the purchase price of a Product during the refund period for that Product for any reason or no reason at all!  Keep in mind that different Product categories have different refund periods.  For example, unless otherwise stated, our famous Lifetime Deals (which give you access to the Product for the lifetime of the Product, so not necessarily until you die) have a 60-day refund period that begins the day you purchase the Product.  Other Products, however, have a shorter refund period.  For example, if you purchase a digital book, you can’t return that ever!  Be sure to check each Product listing so you know when you are eligible for a refund.
B. Too Many Refunds. Featstart reserves the right to limit, suspend, or terminate your account if you seek refunds for an obnoxious number of your purchases. Â And we get to determine in our sole discretion what number is an obnoxious number.
C. Featstart Credits. Featstart Credits are a currency that can only be used on Featstart.  Your Featstart credit balance can be applied toward the purchase of any of our deal purchases; however, Featstart occasionally offers physical products like conference tickets, books, or other items that can only be purchased with cash or cash-like equivalents, so credits (and discounts) cannot be applied. Also, Featstart Credits may not be returned or redeemed for cash.
D. No Reselling.  You cannot resell any Products purchased using our Services or use them to trade or barter with others.  If you do, we may cancel your purchase and deactivate access to the Product in question.  We also will not provide you a refund, plus you agree to pay us the amount of money you made by violating this provision.  Just don’t do it!
E. Support & Product Changes. Â Partners whose Products you purchase are responsible for providing you with customer and product support. Â From time to time, and at our discretion, we may assist in the resolution of issues among customers and our Partners and may do so on a case-by-case basis.